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Lockdown: A Monstrous Policy

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This guy nails it:

Johnson: A Critique

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A succinct and accurate summary of the Johnson years, from Starkey and Gyngell:

Johnson has been an utter disaster for the "Conservative" party and the UK.

A narcissist with no real conservative beliefs, he has squandered the 80 seat majority he won in 2019 through a botched Brexit, a series of wrong and unnecessary lock-downs and a failure to get rid of net zero and develop a sensible energy policy based on using our reserves of coal and shale gas.

Instead, we are now saddled with an extra £0.5 trillion of debt and a cost of living crisis which will more likely than not consign the party to the dustbin at the next election.

Yet there are still many people who admire this charlatan and for some reason are blind to the catastrophe he has presided over. Maybe they are all on handsome salaries, or have a million or two in their pension fund.

As always, the "Conservative" party fails to understand why they are in the trouble they are, focusing on trivialities such as eating cake in Downing Street or failing to admit to supporting a bottom pincher when his unsuitability for office was clear.

The "Labour" and Liberal "Democrat" parties are equally reprehensible. They too supported the criminal lock-downs and restrictions, as well as attempting to overturn the Brexit vote.

Frankly, none of the parties are fit to be in Westminster and a total clear-out is required. Until the British people realize that and stop voting in a tribal fashion, the trajectory can only continue one way - downwards.

According to a recent study performed by the John Hopkins Institute, Covid lockdowns across the world only led to a reduction of about 0.2% in mortality.

The chickens are coming home to roost, as all us lockdown-sceptics predicted from the beginning of this farce.

Click the link below to download the report (takes a short while to load):

John Hopkins Institute: Lockdown Study

The media are all baying for Johnson's blood, despite the fact that they've been pushing for the lockdowns and restrictions during this whole charade.

As for all those MPs writing letters asking Johnson to stand down: what were they doing when the diktats were imposed upon us? Nothing at all. Just sitting on their backsides and letting it all happen.

The Labour Party is even worse. "Lock everyone down harder" was their motto.

All these people should stand down and a General Election should be called. The entire political class needs changing.

Removing Johnson won't solve a thing. Just watch and see.

Planet Lockdown: The Documentary

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Here is the new documentary on the whole Covid-19 fiasco, called "Planet Lockdown", and well worth a watch!

Parliament of Twits

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A recent photograph taken in the Commons shows a room full of masked twits.

Take your masks off, you imbeciles, and run our country properly!

The Garden Party Sideshow

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As everyone with any common sense knows, the so-called party in the garden of 10 Downing Street that happened in May 2020 is just a sideshow. The problem is not the party - it's that the silly restrictions were imposed in the first place.

There should have been no lock-downs or restrictions. No antisocial distancing, no masks, no vaccine passports and no mass testing - just as we had none of these things (and no vaccines either) during the Hong Kong flu epidemic of 1968/69.

All of it was for nothing. There isn't a shred of evidence that any of it made any difference. All that was required was for the government to trust the people to act responsibly, and to provide any additional support that may have been required by the health service. Apart from that, nothing was needed, other than the fortitude and common sense of the British public.

Unfortunately there was no fortitude or common sense in government, which is why we are now in this mess. No doubt for some there were also vested financial interests in imposing all this nonsense upon us. The vaccine companies have racked up a fortune on the backs of a gullible public scared into compliance with a litany of stupid rules - all encouraged and egged on by the mainstream media - within which cannot be found a single journalist - only government shills and propagandists.

The debt racked up by this utterly stupid course of action over the past 2 years is nothing short of staggering. It must be paid back by generations yet to come and history must record that the Johnson government was easily the worst we've had in 100 years.

The Coronavirus Act must go, along with all the restrictions. Not in March. Not at the end of this month. Now. The present Cabinet must be replaced and those who imposed this nonsense on the British people must face justice in a court of law.

Nothing less will do.

SAGE is for Cooking

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SAGE is good for one thing only: cooking in the oven at about 200 F.

The psycho freak "scientists" calling for more restrictions and lockdowns over what is just a poxy cold virus should be put out to pasture.

All the restrictions must go, and the Coronavirus Act 2020 repealed. This farce must never be allowed to happen again.

Oh, and never vote LibLabCon. They are an utter waste of space.

The WEF Agenda Must Be Smashed

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Last Saturday was another day of protest in London against the idiotic agenda this current government is following.

The psychopaths at the WEF won't be happy until we are all working from home, ordering our goods online and banned from going anywhere without the latest injection.

This madness has to end and the people have to end it. By not complying with any of the diktats coming from the awful regime currently running this country.

They should all be in jail for crimes against humanity. If I had my way, they would come to a more ignominious end:

Both main parties are following the agenda. The utter melt that is "Sir" Keir Starmer is egging foolish Johnson on in his pursuit of yet more control over the populace. They are both a disgrace to the people of the UK, as are their parties. All of them have to go.

So chin up and keep on not complying. There's just no other way we're going to end this madness!