Kick Them Out!

Change Britain For Good

Reform UK holds Spring Rally

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It's time to ditch the LibLabCon. Here is Ann Widdecombe on fine form at the Reform UK Spring Rally:

The Churches Failed the Test

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I recently came across an excellent article by the HART group on the Banality of Evil. Near the end of the article are 5 key points which all those who opposed the lockdowns will heartily agree with:

  • Forced social isolation of citizens is always morally and ethically wrong.
  • Forced medical procedures are always morally and ethically wrong.
  • Psychological manipulation of populations without their consent is morally and ethically wrong.
  • Government policies that trample on basic constitutional rights (e.g. the right to work, freedom of movement, free speech) are morally and ethically wrong.
  • Government policies designed to increase fear are morally and ethically wrong.

However, the churches, which should have been beacons of light during the dreadful lockdown years, instead went along with everything.

They closed down.

At the very point when some former churchgoers would have been tempted to go back, even if sporadically, the churches failed the test. Yet these are organisations that are supposed to be on the side of truth and goodness.

The evangelical outfits will quote Romans 13 in defence of their position but there is no defence for going along with morally wrong decisions made by the government.

There are now less people "going to church". Not surprising really, is it?

What Just Happened?

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Brilliant show from Kevin as usual.

They Cried Wolf

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Neil Oliver nails it again.

The litter louts that infest the British Isles are ruining our country. Their selfishness, originating from minds that must register a negative score on the IQ scale, has resulted in the scourge of litter that has literally worked its way into every nook and cranny of our towns and countryside.

Litter is everywhere. A beer can lodged under a fallen branch, slowly accumulating a covering of moss. A plastic bag half buried in the bank of a river. A discarded cigarette packet wedged in a drain grate. A bag of dog poo hanging from the branch of a tree. An old sofa chucked down a bank at the side of the road. A crisp packet or can stuffed into a hedge. A ball of tin foil partially obscured by the fallen leaves of a tree. Cans, bottles, cigarette butts, plastic packaging and papers everywhere. And one of the worst offenders: a discarded brown bag from a takeaway store, spilling its contents of plastic, foil and paper cups over an area of grass that would otherwise look mostly litter free.

This is Britain. Our country. Our shame. And it must be stopped. There can be no excuses. No complaints over a lack of rubbish bins. No complaints that the bins are full. No excuses like "it's the council's job to pick it up". No, the solution is simple: always put your litter in a bin or take it home. It's not rocket science.

But for the mentally challenged, drug-addled and selfish that live among us, any excuse will do. They care not that they are ruining the country for the rest of us and dragging it down to third world status. In fact, I do not think that they care about anything. To them, it doesn't matter if our country is trashed. I dread to think what it's like inside their houses. They are probably like a tip, with drink cans and crisp packets strewn everywhere, stained carpets in every room and piles of magazines, DVDs and ash filled cigarette trays scattered about. Their gardens are probably unkempt and sporting litter too.

When I started litter picking back in the Spring of 2017, the areas I first cleared were literally carpeted in trash. For example, the on- and off-ramps of the A3 highway near my home in Surrey - a county, by the way, that must surely be one of the filthiest in Britain, despite its relative wealth compared to the rest of the country.

For several years I would drive up onto this major road to travel to work and the sight was terrible. The whole area was literally covered with rubbish: plastic bags stuck in the brambles, discarded cans of paint, countless bottles and cans, the odd pair of boots, crisp packets, cigarette packets, paper cups and wooden forks from takeaway meals, pieces of paper and foil, plastic pipes, broken umbrellas, bags of dog poo and, as appears to be the case everywhere, reams and reams of half buried plastic. It took me three days' worth of my spare time to clear it all, resulting in about 11 rubbish sacks full of litter. The off-ramp yielded a similar amount: 8 sacks in under a fraction of a mile. I would guess the local council had probably not touched the area for a few years at least.

However, despite this effort, after only a month a couple of sacks' worth of litter had accumulated again.

Given the number of miles of highway in Britain, the amount of litter picking required to return them to a pristine state is enormous. Then there are all the minor roads and the country lanes, of which there are a virtually countless number.

Britain is drowning in litter. It is costing upwards of £1bn a year just to clear a fraction of it. This action is not nearly enough to rid the country of its litter. Dozens of local litter picking groups have sprung up over the last decade in order to try and keep the amount of litter down, at least in our towns and on our beaches. However all these efforts are like attempting to empty an outside water butt with a thimble when the rain is still falling. No matter how much litter is cleared, the thoughtless morons among us keep dropping it, tossing it out of their vehicles or dumping it in what they hope will be an area nobody will discover.

The result is a country that is very unattractive to visitors, harmful to wildlife and psychologically depressing to live in. Who wants to live in a dump? Who wants to continually suffer from the actions of the selfish and irresponsible who live among us?

Well I don't, and having spent over 1600 hours of my spare time in the last 5 years picking up litter (and in the process, filling about 1200 rubbish sacks), I'm not planning on doing so either. I also have zero confidence that the government will do anything. If our politicians really wanted we would have regular litter shaming broadcasts on TV and anti-litter ads in social media. There would be more drilling of the "littering is bad" message into the heads of our schoolchildren. Litter picking would form part of community service. There would be the frequent daytime closure of highway lanes for litter picking, which would very quickly make the point to irresponsible drivers (just imagine the sight of dozens of highway workers clearing mile upon mile of litter. Volunteers could be recruited too). As for the resulting traffic jams - so what? We need this action, even if only for limited periods. A massive national litter-clearing campaign would be launched, where everyone would be encouraged to pick up litter wherever they go. The focus would be both intense and utterly relentless.

However I doubt that any of this will happen. Instead, the country will continue to sink under a mountain of litter and hopefully before too long I'll be enjoying the sunny weather in a place far away, in a place that is a lot cleaner, where people respect their country and where I can enjoy life away from the selfishness of filthy Britain.

The Gender Recognition Reform Bill passed by the Scottish Parliament today is a pile of excrement.

The matter is simple.

Either you have XY chromosomes, in which case you're a man. Or you have XX chromosomes, which makes you a woman.

Everything else is nonsense.

If you're feeling like you want to "change gender" then you need psychological help, not surgery.

The passing of this bill brings to an end another dark day in the UK, brought to you by the twits running Scotland. However it now appears that the whole thing might be scuppered by Sunak. Let's hope so.

There Must Be NO Covid "Amnesty"

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"Let's declare a pandemic amnesty", says Emily Oster (article in The Atlantic).

Not on your nelly.

We did know at the time that Covid-19 was not a threat to the vast majority of people. The government itself said as such before imposing the first lock-down in March 2020, which then morphed into a collection of utterly stupid rules and regulations, along with further lock-downs that only ended in the Spring of 2022.

Neil Ferguson's dreadful record of making predictions was well known long before the mild Covid epidemic. Yet his forecasts were used by the government to keep people in their homes and to bully the population into going along with a set of ridiculous restrictions that the brave among us totally ignored.

Sweden kept its head, along with US states like Florida and South Dakota, with no significant difference in fatality rate compared to countries that locked down.

The damage due to the lock-downs and restrictions far exceeded that due to the virus itself, with thousands of businesses going bust, the creation of a massive NHS backlog, the damage to childrens' education and well-being, countless instances of people being kept away from loved ones or fined for breaking the stupid rules, and skyrocketing mental health problems. Not to mention the hundreds of £billions of extra debt which will have to be paid back: by us, of course, along with future generations. Then there are the deaths caused by lock-down, the vaccine injuries and deaths and the undiagnosed cancers, etc, which will plague us for years to come.

Plenty of people (including the author of this blog) opposed the lock-downs and restrictions from day one, but were ridiculed, ignored and ostracized by virtually everyone. The whole of the mainstream media opposed us, brandishing anyone who disagreed with the narrative or who didn't want the vaccine as "selfish", a "granny killer" and a "conspiracy theorist".

And now these people want to sweep it all under the rug and declare an "amnesty". "Let's forget the past and move on" they say.

No chance. You all acted like lemmings and control freaks.

Most of those who imposed all this insanity on the general population are still in office. They have not faced any justice for their actions. And most of those who went along with everything have not admitted their error.

There will be no amnesty. We will not forget.

COP 27: The Madness of the Elites

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The UK has been run by idiots for decades. The latest display of this idiocy was when Rishi Sunak pledged financial support for other countries experiencing problems due to "climate change".

The last thing we want to be doing now is apologizing for the industrial revolution or giving in to the eco-loons like Just Stop Oil and Extinction Rebellion. These people have the IQ of a titmouse and should be spending time in jail for blocking our highways and damaging buildings by spraying paint on them - which, surprise surprise, happens to be made using oil - the very thing they want to ban. As are a zillion and one other things these twits use every day and take for granted.

The Tories have spent the last 12 years ignoring our energy security and closing down nearly a dozen coal plants, making us more dependent on precious gas for generating electricity. This is nothing short of madness, especially given our yearly contributions to global CO2 output are less than 1%.

This chart shows our energy mix since 1920:

"Biomass" refers to the Drax power station, which burns wood chips from millions of trees cut down each year. Hardly green.

On some days, the contribution to the electricity grid from wind power is less than 10%. Turbines are next to useless if the wind isn't blowing. And they are not "green" either.

Ed Davey, the Lib Dim loon, is proud of having "single-handedly stopped fracking" in the UK. Sunak recently put the moratorium on fracking back in place after Truss reversed it. As for nuclear power, the Clegglet (Nick Clegg, another Lib Dim) was instrumental in preventing the expansion of nuclear power generation in the UK. This neglect continued under successive Tory governments.

When our energy bills increase yet more and the lights go out, maybe we may see the political revolution we need. We must wrest control from the green, woke, lock-down supporting, mass immigration fixated idiots who have been ruining our country for so long. The rot started under Thatcher, accelerated under Bliar and has not stopped since.

Neil Oliver is on point here as ever. The whole of Parliament needs flushing down the loo and replacing.

Lockdown: A Monstrous Policy

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This guy nails it: