Neil Oliver nails it again.
Change Britain For Good
"Let's declare a pandemic amnesty", says Emily Oster (article in The Atlantic).
Not on your nelly.
We did know at the time that Covid-19 was not a threat to the vast majority of people. The government itself said as such before imposing the first lock-down in March 2020, which then morphed into a collection of utterly stupid rules and regulations, along with further lock-downs that only ended in the Spring of 2022.
Neil Ferguson's dreadful record of making predictions was well known long before the mild Covid epidemic. Yet his forecasts were used by the government to keep people in their homes and to bully the population into going along with a set of ridiculous restrictions that the brave among us totally ignored.
Sweden kept its head, along with US states like Florida and South Dakota, with no significant difference in fatality rate compared to countries that locked down.
The damage due to the lock-downs and restrictions far exceeded that due to the virus itself, with thousands of businesses going bust, the creation of a massive NHS backlog, the damage to childrens' education and well-being, countless instances of people being kept away from loved ones or fined for breaking the stupid rules, and skyrocketing mental health problems. Not to mention the hundreds of £billions of extra debt which will have to be paid back: by us, of course, along with future generations. Then there are the deaths caused by lock-down, the vaccine injuries and deaths and the undiagnosed cancers, etc, which will plague us for years to come.
Plenty of people (including the author of this blog) opposed the lock-downs and restrictions from day one, but were ridiculed, ignored and ostracized by virtually everyone. The whole of the mainstream media opposed us, brandishing anyone who disagreed with the narrative or who didn't want the vaccine as "selfish", a "granny killer" and a "conspiracy theorist".
And now these people want to sweep it all under the rug and declare an "amnesty". "Let's forget the past and move on" they say.
No chance. You all acted like lemmings and control freaks.
Most of those who imposed all this insanity on the general population are still in office. They have not faced any justice for their actions. And most of those who went along with everything have not admitted their error.
There will be no amnesty. We will not forget.
According to a recent study performed by the John Hopkins Institute, Covid lockdowns across the world only led to a reduction of about 0.2% in mortality.
The chickens are coming home to roost, as all us lockdown-sceptics predicted from the beginning of this farce.
Click the link below to download the report (takes a short while to load):
The media are all baying for Johnson's blood, despite the fact that they've been pushing for the lockdowns and restrictions during this whole charade.
As for all those MPs writing letters asking Johnson to stand down: what were they doing when the diktats were imposed upon us? Nothing at all. Just sitting on their backsides and letting it all happen.
The Labour Party is even worse. "Lock everyone down harder" was their motto.
All these people should stand down and a General Election should be called. The entire political class needs changing.
Removing Johnson won't solve a thing. Just watch and see.
Here is the new documentary on the whole Covid-19 fiasco, called "Planet Lockdown", and well worth a watch!
SAGE is good for one thing only: cooking in the oven at about 200 F.
The psycho freak "scientists" calling for more restrictions and lockdowns over what is just a poxy cold virus should be put out to pasture.
All the restrictions must go, and the Coronavirus Act 2020 repealed. This farce must never be allowed to happen again.
Oh, and never vote LibLabCon. They are an utter waste of space.
Last Saturday was another day of protest in London against the idiotic agenda this current government is following.
The psychopaths at the WEF won't be happy until we are all working from home, ordering our goods online and banned from going anywhere without the latest injection.
This madness has to end and the people have to end it. By not complying with any of the diktats coming from the awful regime currently running this country.
They should all be in jail for crimes against humanity. If I had my way, they would come to a more ignominious end:
Both main parties are following the agenda. The utter melt that is "Sir" Keir Starmer is egging foolish Johnson on in his pursuit of yet more control over the populace. They are both a disgrace to the people of the UK, as are their parties. All of them have to go.
So chin up and keep on not complying. There's just no other way we're going to end this madness!
If the one-party regime in the UK wants to stop being compared to 1930s Germany it should stop adopting Nazi-style tactics and policies:
Imagine a country where your leaders are just following orders, instead of governing for the people. That's where we are today in the UK. Our country is being run by lying, deceiving tyrants drunk on power.
This would be a sure-fire way to end the problem:
Tonight (on 14th December 2021) there were a series of votes in the House of Commons. Here are the results of those votes:
Introduction of masks in more venues: 441 for, 41 against. A Parliament of bedwetters!
Introduction of mandatory vaccination for health workers: 385 for, 100 against. A Parliament of anti-scientific goons!
Introduction of vaccine passports: 369 for, 126 against. A Parliament of medical apartheid - supporting lunatics!
Our Parliament is fit only for the dustbin of history.
These votes are just theatre. We are not living in a democracy. The regime must be smashed!
I didn't need to watch Boris Johnson's address tonight to know he would be spouting rubbish from beginning to end. And rubbish it proved to be.
The evidence points to one thing: "omicron" is just a poxy cold virus which does no harm. The liars will say there are a few people in hospital with it. Yes, because they have a broken arm and just happened to test positive.
The numbers are so small they are utterly insignificant.
However the politicians in charge want you to think something else. They want to keep the fear going. They want to get you "boosted" against this thing. They want to extend this phony "pandemic" for as long as possible in order to complete their diabolical plan.
It must fail. However the sheep must wake up, stop wearing their silly masks and refuse to comply with any of it.
What we need is rocket boosters pointed at Parliament, not drugs.
This week the "Labour" Party will vote for medical apartheid by agreeing with vaccine passports, against all the scientific evidence. These woke juveniles are as useful as a chocolate teapot. "Labour" and the "Conservatives" are just two sides of the same behind. They are tacitly agreeing with the bile that has been spewed by yet more public figures that have emerged from the woodwork over the last few days. It's amazing how many fascists there are still around in 2021.
All these MPs must be kicked out by the people when the opportunity arises. No excuses. No tactical voting. OUT.