Kick Them Out!

Change Britain For Good

The Tory party leadership contest is an exercise in futility.

Neither candidate is believable after 14 years of Tory failure. Jenrick can bleat on as long as he likes about the UK leaving the ECHR but he knows full well his party wouldn't have it. Kemi calls herself conservative but, like Jenrick, voted for May's dreadful Brexit deal. She also supports same sex "marriage", just like the rest of the fraudulent "Conservative" party that went off the rails under Cameron.

The Tories are a busted flush. They have had their chances and are destined for the dustbin of history. None of the right sounding words they spout can be believed and anyone who thinks otherwise is either incredibly naive or just a die-hard Tory voter who refuses to accept the obvious.

The future of the country needs to be determined by the smaller parties, like the SDP, the Reform Party and UKIP. As long as the big globalist parties remain in power the UK will continue to decline.