Kick Them Out!

Change Britain For Good

The Case for Zero Seats

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We need to get the "Conservative" party down to zero seats at this election.

The UK's Problem is the Electorate

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Despite the cost of living, the lock-downs, the botched Brexit, the net zero nuttery, the wokery infesting everything, and much more besides, the voters of Uxbridge still voted "Conservative" in yesterday's by-election.

And in Selby and Aintsy, the voters went for a kid just out of school.

This is why the UK is in trouble. 99% of the voters keep voting the same way.

How long it will take for people to wake up? A vote for any of the main parties is a wasted vote.

We are all suffering because of the poor choices of the majority. Until enough people reach the end of their tether this situation will continue.

I just hope it's not for too long.

The last 13 years of "Conservative" rule is 13 years of failure. The people in charge have made all the wrong decisions:

  • A botched Brexit with continuing EU rule over Northern Ireland, courtesy of Theresa May, Oliver Robbins, Boris Johnson, a treacherous Civil Service and a Brexit-hating Parliament.

  • Closing down nearly a dozen of our coal fired power plants, making us more reliant on gas, "renewables" and imports from the continent. Energy bills have therefore increased dramatically. In addition, no new nuclear power plants have been built anywhere in the UK and there remains a ban on shale gas production. Our gas storage capacity has also been downgraded.

  • An absurd over-reaction to a bad flu virus, which has cost over £400 billion, increasing our total national debt to over £2 trillion. There should have been no lock-downs, masks, "social" distancing or any of the other crazy measures that were imposed on the country from March 2020, and which those of us of sound mind ignored and rejected.

  • An increasing amount of woke nonsense infesting all our institutions, schools and universities, and a failure to uphold the basic principle of free speech.

  • No reduction in the sky-high immigration into the country, which has now reached incredible levels, putting more and more pressure on local services and driving wages downwards.

  • No reform of the House of Lords, which is stuffed full of hundreds of political cronies of little use and with little common sense either.

  • No progress on environmental concerns such as the scourge of littering and the continual pollution of our waterways and coastlines.

  • An increasing ballooning of the size of the state. No axing of the quangos or reduction in local government.

In summary: a record of total failure, for which the "Conservative" Party deserves electoral extermination in 2024. The "Labour" Party will do no better. Maybe in the not too distant future enough people will have woken up to vote for something different and get our country back on track.