If the one-party regime in the UK wants to stop being compared to 1930s Germany it should stop adopting Nazi-style tactics and policies:
Change Britain For Good
If the one-party regime in the UK wants to stop being compared to 1930s Germany it should stop adopting Nazi-style tactics and policies:
Imagine a country where your leaders are just following orders, instead of governing for the people. That's where we are today in the UK. Our country is being run by lying, deceiving tyrants drunk on power.
This would be a sure-fire way to end the problem:
Tonight (on 14th December 2021) there were a series of votes in the House of Commons. Here are the results of those votes:
Introduction of masks in more venues: 441 for, 41 against. A Parliament of bedwetters!
Introduction of mandatory vaccination for health workers: 385 for, 100 against. A Parliament of anti-scientific goons!
Introduction of vaccine passports: 369 for, 126 against. A Parliament of medical apartheid - supporting lunatics!
Our Parliament is fit only for the dustbin of history.
These votes are just theatre. We are not living in a democracy. The regime must be smashed!
I didn't need to watch Boris Johnson's address tonight to know he would be spouting rubbish from beginning to end. And rubbish it proved to be.
The evidence points to one thing: "omicron" is just a poxy cold virus which does no harm. The liars will say there are a few people in hospital with it. Yes, because they have a broken arm and just happened to test positive.
The numbers are so small they are utterly insignificant.
However the politicians in charge want you to think something else. They want to keep the fear going. They want to get you "boosted" against this thing. They want to extend this phony "pandemic" for as long as possible in order to complete their diabolical plan.
It must fail. However the sheep must wake up, stop wearing their silly masks and refuse to comply with any of it.
What we need is rocket boosters pointed at Parliament, not drugs.
This week the "Labour" Party will vote for medical apartheid by agreeing with vaccine passports, against all the scientific evidence. These woke juveniles are as useful as a chocolate teapot. "Labour" and the "Conservatives" are just two sides of the same behind. They are tacitly agreeing with the bile that has been spewed by yet more public figures that have emerged from the woodwork over the last few days. It's amazing how many fascists there are still around in 2021.
All these MPs must be kicked out by the people when the opportunity arises. No excuses. No tactical voting. OUT.
The announcement of the Moronic Variant (aka Omicron) by the three tyrants Whitty, Vallance and Johnson has to be the most ridiculous piece of theatre yet coming out of Number 10.
The stupidity of these people never fails to amaze me. The "Nu" variant (B.1.1.529) has been renamed "Omicron" and wheeled out to scare the people with. Utterly reprehensible. Of course they missed out "Xi", presumably to avoid causing offence to the Chinese president.
The sensible among us will not comply with any of their dictats, just as we've never complied during the whole of this Covid pseudo-pandemic.
Yesterday I knocked up this variation on a new NHS advert to annoy MPs on Twitter with:
There will be more push back this time. I hope it will be enough to finish off this nonsense for good but I'm not convinced it will.
Back in this week (Week 47) of 2018, over 1200 people died with flu and pneumonia in England and Wales (statistics available here). There is no pandemic. The epidemic we had is over. All we have now is a stream of rubbish emanating from our politicians and mainstream media.
The Tories need to be ousted in all 3 upcoming by-elections, starting this Thursday. Vote for Reform and send them a message.
When you know your history you will know that the twits at COP26 have got it all wrong, and it will cost the people a heck of a lot of money unless they revolt.
The LibLabCon must be removed at the earliest opportunity.
The Net Zero lunacy could well finish off the "Conservative" party for good. Rising electricity prices and an insane energy policy will drive voters away from the party.
The following graph from the Smithsonian shows how the Earth's average temperature is thought to have changed over its long history (well, the last 500 million years):
We are currently in a cool period.
However the politicians in this country have banned fracking and shut down most of our coal plants. In 2020 China had 184 new coal plants under construction and is helping to build hundreds of other coal-fired plants in countries including Vietnam, Turkey, Indonesia, Philippines and Egypt.
We have 3 coal plants remaining (usually offline). Over 50% of our energy comes from gas, with the rest from nuclear, hydroelectric, wind farms, solar panels and a handful of inter-connectors that supply us with energy from the Continent.
What the "Conservative" party should be doing is resuming fracking operations and building shale gas plants, along with some new coal plants and nuclear plants (in the longer term). However, the lunatics in charge vainly imagine they can increase our wind power capacity to 40 GW by 2030. On some days our energy from wind turbines is about 5% of the total on the grid, equating to a measly few GW (to see the latest status of the National Grid, click here. It is interesting to see how the various sources change during the day).
As for "Biomass", it might sound great but it's really just a word for the burning of wood chips from trees chopped down in America and shipped over the Atlantic. Not exactly "green". When it comes to burning things, let's at least start with the stuff in the ground first! Drax has made a spirited effort in an attempt to justify its use of wood pellets instead of coal (see Drax) but I for one remain unconvinced. We should be planting trees, not chopping them down.
The truth is that there is plenty of available coal and gas under our feet to provide cheap energy for decades. However the idiots in government have buried their heads in the sand while they prance about on the world stage virtue-signalling about their plans for "Net Zero".
The abolition of petrol and diesel cars (along with gas boilers) by the early 2030s is utter madness and is completely unattainable, as well as insanely expensive.
If that goon Johnson and his cronies continue as they are we will be getting the candles out and wearing three jumpers to keep warm. We will also be watching the collapse of the "Conservative" party at long last, to be consigned to the dustbin of history where it belongs.
Now they are coming for the children. Despite the JCVI effectively refusing to recommend vaccinating children against Covid-19, the government will ignore the science (as it always has) and press ahead regardless.
The regime is in the process of hanging itself.
The idea of singling out the "vulnerable" children for vaccination is obscene. Any child in this category who dies as a result of the unnecessary experimental injection will have their death attributed to their condition, not the "vaccine". Rather convenient for this corrupt government, is it not?
Nobody under about 70 needs the vaccine and nobody should be coerced into having it. Children are at near-zero risk from Covid and the very idea of injecting them shouldn't even enter the heads of those in power. The fact that it does, quite apart from all the other nonsense we've had to endure over the past 18 months, is proof that this government is totally unfit to rule. It must be replaced.
I hope the protest outside Westminster on Wednesday 8th September (12 noon sharp) will be massive. See you there.
The millions of us who have either not been vaccinated or have been vaccinated but oppose mandatory vaccination and vaccine passports must now unite to work to bring down the Tory government.
Johnson lied again to the British people yesterday. The "pandemic" (more like a mild epidemic) is over. It's been over for months. A lot more people are now dying of Flu than Covid:
The end goal has always been a bio-security state which will have near total control over every "citizen". Vaccine passports were never off the agenda. I received this email recently (highlighting mine):
As I mentioned a good while ago, the vaccine passports "consultation" was just a sop to the general public. A box-ticking exercise. The policy had already been set in stone before a single person had died of Covid-19 in the UK.
Tonight, the House of Commons voted 319 - 246 to introduce mandatory vaccination for care workers (and a lot of other workers too, like visiting hairdressers or cleaners). This outrageous move will soon progress to other sectors of the economy.
None of the nonsense we have endured over the last 16 months happened during the Hong Kong flu epidemic of 1968/69 and none of it was required this time. It's nothing to do with a virus - it's to do with CONTROL.
Freedom fighters arise. We must work to get rid of this government. We are many - they are few.
"Freedom Day" starts in about 2 hours.
For those of us who never followed any of the rules, it will just be another day of not complying.
For everyone else, it's time to take off the mask and live as a free agent. Unless you'd rather not be free.
There is no use waiting until July 19th because July 19th will never arrive. The nonsense will continue until a critical mass of people are no longer complying.
P.S. To all those who have had the vaccine: how's it working out for you?