Kick Them Out!

Change Britain For Good

They're Coming For Your Children Now

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Now they are coming for the children. Despite the JCVI effectively refusing to recommend vaccinating children against Covid-19, the government will ignore the science (as it always has) and press ahead regardless.

The regime is in the process of hanging itself.

The idea of singling out the "vulnerable" children for vaccination is obscene. Any child in this category who dies as a result of the unnecessary experimental injection will have their death attributed to their condition, not the "vaccine". Rather convenient for this corrupt government, is it not?

Nobody under about 70 needs the vaccine and nobody should be coerced into having it. Children are at near-zero risk from Covid and the very idea of injecting them shouldn't even enter the heads of those in power. The fact that it does, quite apart from all the other nonsense we've had to endure over the past 18 months, is proof that this government is totally unfit to rule. It must be replaced.

I hope the protest outside Westminster on Wednesday 8th September (12 noon sharp) will be massive. See you there.
