Kick Them Out!

Change Britain For Good

Prince Philip Dies

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The Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Philip, died today at the grand old age of 99.

Nothing would be better now than for this government to get rid of the silly Covid rules. Then this great man can be given a humane funeral.

The cowards in charge of this country are the complete opposite of HRH. They need some common sense drummed into their thick skulls!

Top Man Kicks Out the Gestapo

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Check out this awesome video where a guy takes a stand against the Covid Police:

That's how it's done!

The Answer is Simple: Do Not Comply

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Tyrant JohnsonThe answer to getting rid of the current tyrannical regime we are living under is simple:


Take no test. Refuse to carry any vaccine passport. Wear no mask. Maintain a social, not antisocial distance from other people. Offer to shake hands as normal. Invite friends into your house.

Never vote LibLabCon ever again.

Keep making known your opposition to the Covid tyranny, whether to your MP, the government, the papers, the local council, barmy headteachers, snowflake business owners and any bedwetting Karen you come across who thinks you should be following the stupid rules.

They are all mice and are complicit in allowing the tyranny to continue. If the government told them to wear 3 masks and a motorcycle helmet they'd do it!

"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything" - Albert Einstein.

So Johnson comes out with his latest announcement: that vaccine apps will not be required for pubs or restaurants. And the whole passport thing will be time-limited: for a year.

Pull the other one! The criminal cabal in charge have been lying from day one and these are just the latest porkies coming out of their mouths.

The app will not be required for pubs - FOR NOW.

The idea that vaccine apps will encourage people who don't need the vaccine to have the vaccine couldn't be further from the truth. It will do the exact opposite.

I and millions of others will not enter a pub or restaurant or cinema if we have to show a vaccine passport - irrespective of whether we've had a vaccine or not.

We don't believe in medical apartheid and any attempt to foist it on this country will be met (and indeed is already being met) with fierce resistance.

Open the country up now, you loons, and get rid of all the stupid rules. Covid is over.

It appears the headmaster of Pimlico Academy needs to grow a spine, and the twerps the school teaches put into remedial lessons.

Of course there's no black in the Union Jack. It comprises the colours of the English, Welsh and Scottish flags: red, white and blue.

Charlie Mullins at Pimlico Plumbers "distinguished" himself recently by calling for mandatory vaccination and for those not vaccinated to be kept off the streets. Totally bonkers.

Now kids at a school want the Union Jack banned from flying and Daniel Smith, the headmaster, has acquiesced to their request.

The world has gone mad.