Kick Them Out!

Change Britain For Good

The Answer is Simple: Do Not Comply

- Posted in General by

Tyrant JohnsonThe answer to getting rid of the current tyrannical regime we are living under is simple:


Take no test. Refuse to carry any vaccine passport. Wear no mask. Maintain a social, not antisocial distance from other people. Offer to shake hands as normal. Invite friends into your house.

Never vote LibLabCon ever again.

Keep making known your opposition to the Covid tyranny, whether to your MP, the government, the papers, the local council, barmy headteachers, snowflake business owners and any bedwetting Karen you come across who thinks you should be following the stupid rules.

They are all mice and are complicit in allowing the tyranny to continue. If the government told them to wear 3 masks and a motorcycle helmet they'd do it!

"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything" - Albert Einstein.
