Imagine a country where your leaders are just following orders, instead of governing for the people. That's where we are today in the UK. Our country is being run by lying, deceiving tyrants drunk on power.
This would be a sure-fire way to end the problem:
Tonight (on 14th December 2021) there were a series of votes in the House of Commons. Here are the results of those votes:
Introduction of masks in more venues: 441 for, 41 against. A Parliament of bedwetters!
Introduction of mandatory vaccination for health workers: 385 for, 100 against. A Parliament of anti-scientific goons!
Introduction of vaccine passports: 369 for, 126 against. A Parliament of medical apartheid - supporting lunatics!
Our Parliament is fit only for the dustbin of history.
These votes are just theatre. We are not living in a democracy. The regime must be smashed!