Kick Them Out!

It's time to put the Great
back into Britain


Kick Them Out! exists to spearhead a return to true conservatism and common sense in politics.

The main political parties are incapable of running the country properly. The gulf between them and the rest of us is huge and is getting wider by the day.

We now have a Labour party in office that secured the vote of just 20% of the electorate, after 14 long years of incompetence under the Tories.

The Tory Failure

The failures of the previous administration were multiple: the bungling of Brexit, the imposition of unnecessary and damaging lockdowns (including the mask and vaccine mandates), the continuance of the ruinous Net Zero agenda and the unwillingness to reduce inward migration despite all promises to the contrary. Instead of reversing the Blair project, this fake "Conservative" party built upon it. They governed like a bunch of numbskulls who couldn't bear to break away from the bureaucratic, expensive and constantly meddling EU, and were unprepared and unwilling to lead the country properly through the Covid epidemic. The result is a national debt of £2.7 trillion, record high taxation and utility costs and a country in steep decline. About 10 - 20% of our electricity is supplied from abroad on a daily basis.

The Coming Labour Failure

The current government is committed to continuing with the folly of Net Zero and increasing our taxes yet further. They are already attempting to curry favour with the EU and dismantle Brexit (which has yet to be properly implemented). They will want all new vehicles to be electric and the whole electricity grid to be "decarbonised" by 2030 - an absurd, scientifically impossible and pointless policy which will achieve absolutely nothing. They think the country can be run on wind and solar power. All this nonsense will come to a head before too long, and a poorer, less mobile and colder electorate will hopefully see sense to eject them from office in 2029.

When this government falls, we will need a party of sensible people to take over and it won't be the Tories, the "Liberal Democrats" or the "Greens".

The Reform Party

The Reform party has made a good start, putting 5 MPs into Parliament and taking over as the second party in nearly 100 constituencies. However, while their agenda is a lot more sensible than the other parties, the party itself is not particularly conservative. They supported the first lockdown and the vaccine mandates for care workers, and opposed the overturn of Roe v Wade in the US. Not exactly conservative principles.

Whether the Reform party can grow into something more distinctly conservative remains to be seen but they are currently the most well placed alternative that has a chance of making a significant dent in the political system. Going forward they will require a democratic party structure which allows party members to have more influence and say over the direction and future of the party. They will also need to become more radical in several policy areas, particularly immigration, as their "one in one out" policy is far too weak. Time will tell whether they can achieve this and go on to win significantly more seats at the next election.

Whatever happens in future, the "Conservative" and "Labour" parties will become increasingly irrelevant, as they will remain captive to the globalist agenda and will prove themselves to be both unable and unwilling to implement the policies required to put Britain back on the right track. The only question that remains is how long it will take for the majority of the electorate to wake up and stop voting for them.